
Senin, 11 Januari 2010

Motivational Behavior Test

Kali ini aku melakukan tes motivasi untuk mengetahui sejauh mana motivasi yang aku miliki dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. Sama seperti sebelumnya, tes ini hasilnya tidak mutlak. Silahkan diambil sisi positifnya. Berikut ini adalah hasil tes:

You are a driven and motivated person, with a positive outlook towards completing tasks. You mostly work hard and play hard and are responsive to positive motivation.You have a very strong drive to complete tasks that you have set yourself, or that others have set for you. You actively seek out activities that will make you happy, including parties, hanging out with family and friends or even thrill seeking through sports etc... You also tend to be fairly impulsive.

Artinya aku punya semangat dan motivasi yang tinggi dalam mengerjakan sesuatu. Semoga aja memang seperti hasil tes ini.

You are very motivated by seeking reward for your behaviour. The offer of a reward (such as a promotion for working hard or winning a bet) will keep you motivated to complete difficult activities. Your major motivation is to avoid things that you don't like. This can mean organising your life to avoid activities you don't enjoy, or to escape punishment or pain. You can also tend to be a fairly nervous person.

Reward terkadang dibutuhkan untuk memotivasi seseorang. Aku juga punya kecenderungan menghindari konflik dengan seseorang. Hasil tes ini ada banyak kesamaan dengan tes kepribadian dengan warna beberapa waktu lalu.

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